Land4.0 maregroup 10 March 2022
Land 4.0 Project

(nuovi processi di manifattura 4.0 per il lyfe cycle management dei LANDing gears)


Jan.2021 – Dec.2023


Digital Twin
Virtual Reality


Aeronautical Sector

The objective of this project is to define and implement a smart life cycle management system relating to aeronautical products with a particular focus on landing gears; the main objective is the development of a process that allows to manage both pre-sale and after-sale processes effectively and efficiently.


Research and Development

Mare Group annually invests in Research and Development to promote and expand projects, technologies and the ideas of its team. Every year, the Group faces bigger challenges in wanting to become a reference point for companies in Southern Italy. Find out more about other projects.

Improve Intelligenza Artificiale - Machine Learning
Blockfil Artificial Inteligence
Invictus Artificial Intelligence - Extended Reality
Herfuse Composite Materials - Additive Manufacturing
Digimedfor Artificial Intelligence - Extended Reality
Debora Artificial Intelligence
Arketipo Artificial Intelligence